Monday, January 17, 2011

The Beauty Of Meerschaum Pipes

Meerschaum pipes is a mineral that can be carved or engraved easily.  It is reported that the best meerschaum originated from Turkey.  It is a mineral that is composed primarily of hydrated magnesium silicate which is located mainly in Eskisehir, a small town in Turkey.  This mineral is dug in large lumps from the earth which is soft.  Meerschaum pipe was born 300 years ago when craftsmen noticed the exquisiteness of meerschaum.  Meerschaum is used for anything other than pipes.  There are figures, sculptures, and many more which are cut from this unique material.

Firstly, the meerschaum is immersed in the water for half an hour.  This process makes this material quite easy to carve.  The sculptors are extremely talented artisans.  Their creations are very remarkable.  After the pipes are carved they are then fired in a kiln.  Treating it with fire will remove the moisture from the mineral.  A rod is then inserted and a bar is added to the other end.  No two meerschaums are identical.  Each of these pipes is hand-carved and therefore a slight difference happens even in pipes that look the same.  Meerschaums are then shined and dipped in beeswax.  The beeswax is blanched to give an impressive white finish.

Meerschaums are used for different reasons.  Its uniqueness and exquisiteness make it very valuable.  Pipe smokers love the elaborate designs that are engraved into these pipes.  Because Meerschaum is very light, this gives artist the opportunity to make clear, concise engravings.  Additionally, this also make it easier for smoker to smoke.  Smokers cannot taste the additives but only the tobacco because of the meerschaum pipes porous stone.  Also, meerschaum filters nicotine and tobacco tar which gives a better taste of the tobacco.  Most smokers like to try new tobacco in their meerschaum pipe.  Additionally, gradually the nicotine will produce a rich amber tone that makes the pipe very attractive.  The taste of the pipe will further improve as it continues to age.  In addition, the pipe remains dry and cool when being smoked.  Meerschaum burns tobacco uniformly and creates a quality smoke.

Pipe smoker enthusiasts put a lot of consideration and time when by buying their pipes.  They use different pipes for a variety of tobacco and in different situations.  Meerschaum is praised for its ability to provide the taste of tobacco at the same time filtering out elements like tar and nicotine.  It also turns the waste product into an incredible finish for the carved bowl.  These pipes are esteemed by their owners around the world.  Prices vary greatly depending on the carver’s abilities and reputation.  Meerschaum can also be bought to a place where fine tobacco are sold.  They can be bought with fitted case and can be displayed if preferred.

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